Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta vacations. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta vacations. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, junio 19, 2011

Unexpected sunbeams?


I still haven't gone to the beach, but the sun follows me.
Aún no he ido a la playa, pero el sol me persigue.
Soundtrack: "Finding my way back" - Jaheim

martes, septiembre 14, 2010

martes, agosto 17, 2010

Mars Building

Funny heaven


In the city of the sea, a building from Mars emerged to the surface. Carrer Aragó.
Soundtrack: "The man that can't be moved" - The Script
En la ciudad del mar, un edificio de Marte emergió a la superficie. Calle Aragón.

domingo, junio 13, 2010

No colours, no life.

Spring house


Every city has a spring house. I would love to find autumn houses around the world. Premià de Mar.

Soundtrack: "12 por 8" - Alejandro Sanz

Cada ciudad tiene una casa primaveral. A mí me encantaría conocer las casas otoñales de todo el mundo. Premià de Mar.

viernes, abril 02, 2010

A place called Winter... has gone

Slim hands in heaven


¡¡ Starting my vacations !!
Soundtrack: "The scientist" - Coldplay
¡¡ Comenzando mis vacaciones !!

P.D. Thanks to Ferran Jordà by choosing my photo "The cinema" as one of the best photos of the week in Barcelona Photobloggers

domingo, mayo 03, 2009

Geometric Coast

La Barceloneta

Architecture gives us some interesting shapes on that blue carpet of the sky. La Barceloneta. I got this picture because I took the tour of Barcelona Guide Bureau.
Soundtrack: "Colgando en tus manos" - Carlos Baute y Marta Sánchez
La arquitectura nos regala interesentes formas en esa alfombra azul del cielo. La Barceloneta. Gracias a Barcelona Guide Bureau.

domingo, abril 05, 2009

I don't have sunglasses

Barcelona sun

And I remembered I still haven't bought my sunglasses for next summer. Maremagnum, Barcelona.
Soundtrack: "She will be loved" - Maroon 5 and Buenavista Social Club
Y recordé que aun no he comprado mis gafas de sol para el verano que viene. Maremagnum, Barcelona.


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