If we were as young as you, we wouldn't believe in any politician. Urquinaona Square.
Si fuésemos tan jóvenes como tú, no creeríamos en ningún político. Plaza Urquinaona.
Si fóssim tan joves com tu, no creuríem en cap polític. Plaça Urquinaona.
Soundtrack: "Tanto" - Pablo Alborán
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11 comentarios:
Ni joven ni mayor, no hay mas cuartel... el que no vale, patada
Los políticos y los que los secundan (que en twitter se ven y se retratan) siguen estando ciegos ante lo que está pasando en la sociedad civil. Esto debe cambiar, ya, y como dice el anterior comentarista: "a patadas con ellos".
Un fuerte abrazo.
Ni jóvenes , ni mayores, todos unidos contra los que no nos representan!!!!!
Un abrazo
you are the best in taking street photography. i really enjoy all your photos.
Well, I think we all feel that way at times. It's a bit cynical, but we've been led astray too often. However, in the case of our president, I think he wishes to do the right thing but has been stymied at every turn by the opposition (Republicans) and the problems left him by our previous president are so massive as to be almost insurmountable!
Peace to you, my friend!
If I were as young... indeed.
Es que terminaremos no creyendo en nadie...
Gosh, I'd like to be as young as you, Valery. My 68th birthday arrives Oct 3. How is that possible?
Greetings from OPorto
The City Daily Photo Blog Theme Day for October is nearly upon us. Have you, as yet, given some thought to your interpretation of our theme, ‘Silhouette’? There are a number of meanings to this word, and there is no need to feel restricted to the meaning in the English language. If you are a member of Face Book, you are welcome to post your contribution to the CDPB group page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/2628431329/. If you are not a member of Face Book, you may care to post at http://cdpbthemeday.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/silhouette-cdpb-for-october.html.
As you post your October Theme contribution, please vote for your choice of the five suggested themes for November (My Street, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, The Water’s Edge, Ageing (dis)gracefully, or The Thrill of the Dance). You may vote at either location, but please only vote once! The results will be conflated at the close of voting on Monday 8th November.
Hom s'hi sent reconegut, però no transportat. Ais... almenys els somriuen els ulls.
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