The ghost skater was my friend and he liked to skate under the rain.
El patinador fantasma era mi amigo y disfrutaba patinar bajo la lluvia.
El patinador fantasma era el meu amic i gaudia patinar sota la pluja.
Soundtrack: "Corro sota la pluja" - Anna Roig i L'Ombre de Ton Chien
9 comentarios:
Great shot! Love it.
Superbe! I'd like to out there skating in the rain, too! Lovely night shot with great colors!
Beautiful photo! Bdw, you must be happy with the soccer results of yesterday?
Buena foto. Un abrazo.
Un transatlántico en Plaza Catalunya? Amazing ;-}
Bonita foto, com esse aspecto molhado da chuva e as luzes, está excelente!
Abrazo e boa Páscoa!
That's a beautiful shot and I've never seen the Placa empty like that...my heart jumps to see El Corte Ingles, my favorite place in the world to buy earrings....good thing I am now retired and on such a budget, huh? After all, I only have two ears...how many pair can I wear. They have - or, at least, used to have, such an incredible selection of earrings at that store
Me encantaría estar en España, viviendo unos maravillosos días, parando en los bellos hoteles en barcelona y conociendo los lindos lugares que tiene
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