Barcelona Daily Photo presenta fotos de Barcelona y los capítulos de la novela En la planta de tus pies, de Valery Bazán
Well, I am seeing double of some things..and I haven't had a martini yet! Perhaps it's time. I see it's 5PM....make me one of your blue ones, Valery!
Intereseantisima esta toma! Super bien lograda.
I am new to your blog but this photograph pulled me in. V
Distorsion, es lo que esta pasando en Barcelona, cada vez mas asfalto y cemento y menos verde, incluso le quitan sitio al agua ... :(Buena imagen! encima del agua!
si no es lo q veo ni lo q pienso, entonces q miercoles es?. o sea, tu y yo estamos locos lucas!
A mirror wow, great shot.
I am seeing double as well but I love the photo.
You are right, very funny and interesting shot!
Interesting photo. The repetition of the blue in the chairs is an eye catcher.
It is often true that what you see and what you think is not what you see or think at all. Does that make sense!I love photos like this. Great job, Valery!
Interessante detalhe fotográfico!Um Angulo diferente!Saludos,Rui
That is a complicated photo, I get a bit dizzy, but you did see it right, love it.
Una captura genial,jugando con la vista,muy lograda y excelente trabajo.Saludos.
Amazing reflection!
La sensación de irrealidad se hace patente al observar la foto. Muy original el encuadre y extrañas las sensaciones que produce al mirarla.Un abrazo
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Well, I am seeing double of some things..and I haven't had a martini yet! Perhaps it's time. I see it's 5PM....make me one of your blue ones, Valery!
Intereseantisima esta toma! Super bien lograda.
I am new to your blog but this photograph pulled me in.
Distorsion, es lo que esta pasando en Barcelona, cada vez mas asfalto y cemento y menos verde, incluso le quitan sitio al agua ... :(
Buena imagen! encima del agua!
si no es lo q veo ni lo q pienso, entonces q miercoles es?. o sea, tu y yo estamos locos lucas!
A mirror wow, great shot.
I am seeing double as well but I love the photo.
You are right, very funny and interesting shot!
Interesting photo. The repetition of the blue in the chairs is an eye catcher.
It is often true that what you see and what you think is not what you see or think at all. Does that make sense!
I love photos like this. Great job, Valery!
Interessante detalhe fotográfico!
Um Angulo diferente!
That is a complicated photo, I get a bit dizzy, but you did see it right, love it.
Una captura genial,jugando con la vista,muy lograda y excelente trabajo.
Amazing reflection!
La sensación de irrealidad se hace patente al observar la foto. Muy original el encuadre y extrañas las sensaciones que produce al mirarla.
Un abrazo
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