jueves, julio 02, 2009

Diagonal Avenue

Chaos of messages

Women and sexual and reproductive rights. In this photo I found more messages than you can imagine.
Soundtrack: "One" - U2
Mujeres y derechos sexuales y reproductivos. En esta foto encontré más mensajes de los que se pueden imaginar.

3 comentarios:

Mary Stebbins Taitt dijo...

This is a very funny picture, LOL!!!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com dijo...

Thank you for your comment on my Daily Photo site. I hae left an answer to your question about Tamarindo. It is the name of our town, but it is also the name of the fruit. I know that the fruit is called the same in Mexico also, so I assume it is the same in other parts of Latin America.

Rosemildo Sales Furtado dijo...

Olá amigo! Gostei muito do teu espaço, contém belas fotos, porém serai bem melhor se colocasses um tradutor, pois ficaria mais fácil para entender e comentar.




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