viernes, abril 17, 2009

Looking for suicides: Buscando suicidas

Project: Saved my life / Proyecto: Salvé mi vida


Have you ever thought to suicide?

Have you ever wanted to make that fatal decision?

But finally you became aware of that

and about its terrible consequences.

I would like to contact with people that was so near to suicide

but, fortunately decided to continue living.

If you want to participate with your experience please

write a comment in this post or send a mail to:



¿Alguna vez pensaste en suicidarte?

Alguna vez quisiste tomar esa fatal decisión?

Pero finalmente te diste cuenta de ello

y de sus terribles consecuencias.

Me gustaría contactar con personas que estuvieron

cerca de suicidarse pero afortunadamente

decidieron continuar viviendo.

Si quieres participar con tu experiencia por favor

escribe un comentario en este post o

mándame un mail a:


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